Hi there, I'm Bernadette Nic Gabhann. I come from a musical family in County Meath. I learned to play at home from my Dad, Antóin Mac Gabhann. I now perform & teach at music events  worldwide. 
I grew up with a great bunch of musicians in Co. Meath. I then started travelling the world playing fiddle & promoting Irish Arts. I toured as Fiddle player with Troupe 2 of  ‘Michael Flatley’s Lord of the Dance’. I also performed with Gaelforce Dance, which toured Eastern Europe and Taiwan, and I spent a summer in Busch Gardens, Virginia with Irish Thunder. I lived in Nashville for a little while then , before moving back to Ireland. 
In recent years, I  recorded a solo Fiddle CD with my harping friend Eileen Gannon. Here to Play is a collection of some of my favourite pieces of music. 

I perform regularly. I also teach in person & online. Please email me, or all Up to date news will be on my Instagram, Facebook, YouTube... Also Click over to listen to clips or buy my CD.